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SecureNetwork: Meeting Client Security Demands in the Modern Threat Landscape | Sales Workshop


Jessie Carpio


Integration complexities, network vulnerabilities, and impacted operations. These are the security and business risks that are being exposed by band-aid connectivity and security implementations.

Turn the challenge of disjointed connectivity and security solutions into an opportunity with our cybersecurity offering, SecureNetwork.

Join our upcoming SecureNetwork sales workshop on Tuesday, 20th June at 1 PM AEST to learn how you can mitigate these risks to both you and your customers and boost profit margins and business resilience at the same time.

What you'll learn:
• How band-aid security and connectivity solutions expose businesses to security threats and potential downfall
• Introduction of Project Guardian and how it identifies security vulnerabilities and upsell sales opportunities
• Sales strategies for positioning SecureNetwork
• Available resources to help your MSP take SecureNetwork to market

👉 Click here to reserve your virtual seat!

Each qualified Australian MSP attendee will get a copy of the highly-rated book on selling cybersecurity for MSPs, Simplified Cybersecurity Sales For MSPs: The Secret Formula For Closing Cybersecurity Deals Without Feeling Slimy

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