About This File
In response to COVID-19, there was a rapid shift to remote work. Now, as the pandemic enters a new
phase, we are seeing another shift to a hybrid work environment, in which some employees will be
working from home, some from the office, and some from both home and office. This new reality will
likely last through the year, at least, raising new challenges in protecting data.
Protecting your organization’s data is important to the security and sustainability of your organization and you,
as an employee, play a critical role in this protection. If each person is conscientious, the organization can build
a culture of cyber readiness that spans from the home to the of fice.
For many remote workers, the data you will be accessing are documents (word processing, spreadsheets,
or presentations), files (accounting), or databases (customer ma nagement or order tracking). Your company’s most
critical asset is data and strong cybersecurity protects your data. To adhere to basic rules for data protection,
you will likely need to change certain aspects of your behavior.
To start, always be aware of what device (e.g. phone, laptop) you are using (company or personal), how you connect
to the Internet (e.g. home WiFi, café, library) and your company’s network (e.g. do you use a VPN or not),
and how you access, work on, transfer, and store data (e.g. email, apps, etc.).